Monday, March 15, 2010

Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Pregnant Woman's Guide to the Gym

The Pregnant Woman's Guide to the Gym

Now that you're expecting, navigating the gym can be extra-tricky. We've got the goods on what's safe (and what's not), plus the best classes, cardio and weight training for pregnant women.

By Suzanne Schlosberg
Click here to find out more!

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A an hour of cardio usually flies by for me at the gym, thanks to my secret motivational strategy: watching "Law & Order" reruns on the club's TV. I hop on the elliptical machine as the opening credits roll, and before I know it, Sam Waterston is finishing his closing argument to the jury.

At least, that was the case before I got pregnant. In my first trimester, some days, to my amazement, I'd poop out 10 minutes into the show—before the detectives even identified the body.

"Many active women are surprised at how pregnancy affects their workouts," says Renee M. Jeffreys, M.Sc., a prenatal-fitness consultant in Milford, Conn., and co-author of Fit to Deliver (Hartley & Marks). "But remember that these are normal, short-term changes."

So should you dial down your cardio? Are certain machines off-limits? Can you still do Pilates? The answers depend largely on what your fitness level is, which trimester you're in and how you're feeling, Jeffreys says. But this much is certain: The gym is a great place to be pregnant. If one cardio machine or strength exercise isn't comfortable, there's always another one to try.

Getting yourself to the gym may take an extra dose of motivation, but the payoff is huge. Consistent exercise during pregnancy can minimize aches and constipation, help you sleep better, and lower your risk of gestational diabetes and depression. You may even end up having a shorter, less complicated labor. Developing good workout habits during pregnancy will help you get your body back faster after delivery too.

Though my first trimester was rough going, my second was a breeze, and my third wasn't half bad, either. With my stamina back, I'd usually make it all the way through "Law & Order" at the gym—except, I'd spend the commercial breaks in the bathroom.

Whether you take classes, work out in the cardio room or lift weights, everything changes when you're pregnant. Here's how to adapt.

Class Action

If you have access to prenatal exercise classes, sign up. Not only are the workouts modified for pregnancy, but you also get to bond with your fellow moms-to-be over charming symptoms such as heartburn, swollen feet and hemorrhoids. You might even get labor tips.

If your favorite classes don't come in the prenatal variety, it's fine to keep going, as long as you pay attention to how your body feels, limit your intensity and stay within the normal range of motion. Just make sure the instructor knows you're pregnant and is knowledgeable about modifications you can make, Jeffreys advises. If your instructor hasn't worked with pregnant women, find one who has. Keep in mind that highly choreographed classes like Step aren't the best choices for expectant women since they require quick direction changes and a heightened sense of balance. Hereare the most common classes you'll find at the gym and what you need to know about benefitting from them whilepregnant.

Pilates Pilates helps maintain your abdominal muscle tone, which will support your growing belly, minimize back pain and give you more oomph for pushing during labor. But mat classes can be problematic after the first trimester because so much work is done lying on your back. Either opt out of these exercises or use an angled foam spine support (found in most Pilates studios but not many gyms); this will keep your head higher than your belly. You can still do the side-lying leg work, upper-body exercises and stretches.

Yoga Yoga not only strengthens your core and improves flexibility, but with its gentle movements and emphasis on breathing and meditation, it also fosters a sense of calm. In the second half of your pregnancy, avoid exaggerated twists and movements that tug on your belly, moves that require you to lie on your back or belly for prolonged periods, and inversions like headstands and shoulder stands.

Water aerobics Ah ... relief. You can't trip and fall; you won't overheat; and for once you won't feel like a big clod. No wonder water aerobics is a third-trimester favorite. Your joints will thank you! Wear aqua shoes so you don't slip on the bottom of the pool.

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dumbbell make out

The Dumbbell Workout

Build muscle and core strength. No barbell required.

by Steve Cotter | Photos by Ian Spanier

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Workout Video

We've got nothing against barbells, but dumbbells offer a lot more versatility. You don't need much space, and you can find them anywhere—from the dinkiest hotelfitness center to your uncle's garage. We've put together the ultimate dumbbell-only routine—one you can do with just a few pairs of weights.

Why It Works

Using dumbbells allows you to train one side of your body at a time, which is great for curing any strength imbalances you've developed. And because each limb moves independently, your core has to brace harder to prevent you from tipping to one side. Hello, six-pack!


Frequency: Three times per week, in the following sequence, resting at least a day between each session.

Time Needed: 30 minutes

How To Do It: Perform as straight sets, completing all the prescribed sets for oneexercise before moving on to the next. On all one-handed (or one-legged) moves, repeat with opposite limb. That's one set.

1 Floor Press
2 Renegade Row
3 Goblet Squat
4 Single-Leg Deadlift
5 One-Arm Push Press
6 One-Arm Bentover Row
7 One-Arm Swing
8 Get Up Situp

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Workout Video

See Also:
60 Days with Nat Jones
Fitness and product reviews and videos

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mens fitness

Is your quest to shed those extra pounds on target or way off the mark? We askedMF weight-loss adviser Christopher Mohr, Ph.D.,R.D., to weigh in on what works and what doesn't.

On Target

Drink More Water
It'll flush away sodium, which bloats you. You'll also be less likely to down high-calorie beverages. People often underestimate how important hydration is when it comes to losing weight.

Cut Calories
You'll never lose weight until you change your diet. Americans have grown accustom to large portions at the dinner table. The bottom line is you've got to take in fewer calories than you are burning each day. Period.

Running Intervals
Ever notice how sprinters have extremely lean, toned bodies? Sure, they spend half the day training on the track, but even the average person can greatly benefit from 10-20 minutes of interval training each day. There's no better way to burn off fat.

Fill Up On Fiber
Fiber allows you to make the most of the food you eat, because it keeps you full longer than any other food. Load up on lots of fruits, vegetables and whole grains every day.

Pop a Multivitamin
They can fill in gaps in your diet but don't expect them to work miracles. You still need to rely on a nutritious diet in order to maintain healthy metabolism.

Off the Mark

Skip Breakfast
The morning dash to get shower, dressed and out the door usually results in you skipping the most important meal of the day. Bad move. The meal keeps your body's metabolism stoked and burning strong throughout the day.

Light Weights, High Reps
While good for toning, this method doesn't burn much fat at all. Increasing the weight accordingly allows your muscles to work harder and burn more calories — even after you leave the gym.

Slash Carbs
An active person can't simply go without carbs. In fact, your body needs at least 100 grams a day for energy. Always remember to maintain a balance of carbs, protein and healthy fats in your diet. This gives you what you need in terms of energy,muscle growth and recovery.

Swear Off Your Favorite Foods
Anytime we want to drop few pounds, most of us immediately slash all comfort foods from our diets. The problem is you'll eventually cave, and it won't be pretty. So enjoy a treat once in a while — just remember that moderation is key.

Train, But Just Barely
Any degree of training is better than nothing at all. But you can only get out of something what you put in. Remember, losing weight isn't just a matter of going to the gym once a week. It also involves lifestyle changes. Talk a walk on your lunch break, park on the opposite end of the parking lot at stores, and do more yard work (your girl will love the new you).

Postworkout Snack
People love to reward themselves for a hard day at the gym. But, remember, many granola and protein bars are also packed with extra calories — don't cancel out all the hard work you just put in at the gym.

Load Up On Diet Snacks
Another misconception in the diet arena. Baked chips and fat-free candy are still junk food. Train your body (and mind) to think of fresh fruit and vegetables as delicious snacks. After 30 days, you'll be surprised at how you start to crave these nutritious foods.

Treadmill Marathons
When it comes to losing weight, people always put the emphasis on cardio. While running and biking is highly recommended, you still need to get in some strengthtraining. Working those muscles is what really fires up the metabolism.

grow taller



Question: Why is your How To Grow Taller Program better than other height increasing programs or systems?
Answer: We have bought and reviewed every other major program or system on the market which promises to increase height or help you grow taller. Virtually every one includes useless, ineffective, and irrelevant "filler" information. In other words, they offer information not directly related to height increase and recommend activities or techniques that are potentially harmful. Other information is just blatantly incorrect. Moreover, a lot of them just fill the pages with large font (printing) and spaces to compensate for the lack of real information. The bottom line is that none of them are as effective, complete, or comprehensive as ours. WE GUARANTEE THIS STATEMENT! That means that if anyone can show us another program or system that is more effective, professional, or comprehensive than ours, return our How To Grow Taller Program for a full refund.

Question: Is The How To Grow Taller Program offered and distributed by a legitimate company?
Answer: YES! Our company, Kalsitechnic Solutions Ltd., is a fully genuine and registered company that has an unblemished reputation, has been in business for over 5 years, and has serviced thousands of individuals worldwide. Our address and phone number are clearly provided on our website unlike other scrupulous "companies". Our address is: Kalsitechnic Solutions Ltd., PMB 988, 1685 H. Street, Blaine WA 98230 Tel/Fax: 604.572.0355

Question: Do grow taller lotions, pills, or supplements work?
Answer: No. First of all, there is NO WAY that ANY lotion or spray can be absorbed through the skin all the way to the bone and help increase its length. If anyone claims that it can or does, it is TOTAL NONSENSE. It is just scientifically impossible.

As far as height increase pills, drugs, or supplements, they usually claim to be Growth hormone "releasers" or "stimulators". However, NO "releasers" or "stimulators" have been shown to be more effective than the natural and safe ways to increase growth hormone secretion. Our program will give you the recommendations, techniques and exercises to naturally stimulate your growth hormone secretion.

In general, the growth hormone along with the other hormones excreted naturally by the body will aid in helping you grow. Growth hormone pills or supplements do not have the same effect as that produced naturally by the body and may offset the delicate balance of the body's proper hormone regulation. In this respect, taking any sort of growth hormone pills or supplements would not be effective and may result in potentially dangerous and negative side effects.

Question: What differentiates this program from other height increasing products or programs?
Answer: We are not someone selling you a flimsy photocopied booklet out of their apartment. We are also not somebody who has acquired the rights to market and sell some product with no personal knowledge or experience on the topic of height increase. Instead, we are the sole owners, developers, and originators of The Grow Taller System and we have acquired a vast knowledge on the subject of height increase after years of study and experience. Our material and products are all original, registered, and copyrighted. Moreover, we continue to learn and research any legitimate ways to increase stature.

In addition, we also provide you with our Iron-Clad NO RISK 100% Satisfaction Guarantee and give you our address, phone number and email so that if anyone has any questions or concerns on any topic they can feel free to contact us. Does anyone else do that? Quite simply, The Grow Taller System is without a doubt the most complete, comprehensive, and effective height increasing program available…period!

Question: What do I receive when I order The How To Grow Taller System?
Answer: You receive the manual How To Grow Taller: A Comprehensive Guide and Revolutionary Exercise Program to Make You Grow, the log book: A Complete Exercise Journal To Accompany How To Grow Taller, and Kalsi's Secret Growth Enhancing Formula.

Question: Does this program require me to buy or obtain any special equipment or apparatus to help me perform the exercises and increase my height?
Answer: No. The program requires no special equipment or apparatus and can be done in the privacy of your own home.

Question: Do I need to buy anything else from you?
No. The program arrives to you complete and you do not need to purchase anything else. This is not a "hook" for another expensive product (an unfortunate practice these days).

Question: How soon is my order shipped?
Answer: Each order is shipped within 24 hours by 1st class mail. Overseas orders are shipped via 1st class air mail.

Question: Do you ship orders overseas?
Answer: Yes. We happily ship orders worldwide and will even ship express or registered delivery upon request (additional charges may apply).

Question: Is there any way for me to inquire about the status of my order?
Answer: Yes. All orders receive an email or phone confirmation within 24 hours.

Question: How many chapters and pages are in the grow taller manual?
Answer: How To Grow Taller: A Comprehensive Guide and Revolutionary Exercise Program to Make You Grow contains 12 chapters and has 232 pages. This book contains chapters on up-to-date information and recommendations for maximizing your height gain and a revolutionary and specifically designed exercise program that provides easy to follow step-by-step instructions that will stimulate growth and make you grow. It also contains clear and concise charts, tables, and beautiful illustrations.

Question: Can you tell me something about the free Exercise Journal?
Answer: A Complete Exercise Journal To Accompany How To Grow Taller contains 20 pages for you to record your progress and results. This journal includes 7 growth charts and is an ideal self-management and motivational tool that enables you to record your progress and results in a simple, easy, and time saving way.

Question: Can you tell me something about Kalsi's Secret Growth Enhancing Formula FREE bonus?
Answer: This reveals the special ingredients and recipe for a delicious drink that significantly increases and speeds up the recuperation and growth process, and raises energy levels. All the ingredients for this formula can be found in a local supermarket and it would cost you only pennies a glass.

Question: Does this program come with a guarantee?
Answer: Yes, if The Grow Taller System isn't the most practical, useful, detailed, effective and helpful program of its kind, or you are not 100 % satisfied, return it for a full and immediate refund (less s&h), no questions asked. Click here to read the guarantee.

Question: I am a 17 year old boy and I am currently 5' 6". I come from a short family (my dad is 5' 6" and my mom is 5' 3") and I'm afraid that I'm done growing. Is there any way I can change this and grow a few more inches by following your program?
Answer: Although the height of your parents and the growth potential that you have inherited from them is important, the height and growth you ultimately achieve is actually the result of the interaction of heredity and environment. By learning about the specific environmental factors that influence growth and effect your height, you can use them to your advantage. The importance of environmental factors should not be ignored, they are just as important, if not more, than heredity in determining growth and height. Although you don't have much control or influence over your heredity, you do have substantial control and influence over your environmental factors. By following the recommendations and exercises in our program, you can definitely stimulate your body to grow and gain inches in height.

Question: I am 21 years old and have not grown in 3 years or so. I am skeptical as to whether it is possible for me to grow at this age and whether your program really works. What do you have to say about this?
Answer: If you begin our course without much faith and commitment, you will most likely follow it in a halfhearted way and achieve only substandard results.. Our opinion is that if you undertake anything with a skeptical attitude, you will end up in despair. Our Grow Taller Systemis not a magic wand. We have not exaggerated the results nor made any false promises. If you faithfully and persistently follow the recommendations and exercises in our program, you really can significantly increase your height.

Question: By how much can you grow by following this program. I understand that it varies with each individual, but can you give me a rough estimation of how much taller I might be able to grow by following your program? By the way, I'm 16 years old and 5' 8"
Answer: The amount of height an individual can grow by following The Grow Taller System varies. There is no possible way for anybody to determine exactly how much you will grow. It all depends on a number of factors. However, by following the recommendations and exercises in the program it is not unreasonable for you to easily reach 6' 0". Again, you can also grow to be taller than this depending on your commitment to the program and your individual growth potential.

Question: How long does it take before I start seeing some results?
Answer: There are some factors that may show an increase almost immediately. Initial results, on average, are usually seen within 40 - 60 days. However, it may vary for each individual. The further you progress with the program, the more height gain you will continue to experience.

Question: I am already 35 years old. Can I also follow The Grow Taller System?
By following our program, it is possible for anyone to increase their height regardless of age. Although it is true that those individuals under the age of 30 will experience more of a height gain than those older than 30, nobody should consider themselves too old to undertake the program. Anyone who faithfully and persistently follows the program can see magical results.

Something not answered or clear? Call or email us and we'll include it here for the benefit of everyone.

reducing weight

Have you been trying to loose weight ?
Whenever I ask this question to any overweight person the answer is`Yes’ but it does not happen. Then I ask , Why it does not happen ?” Most of the times there is no definite answer. Only some excuses come. Let me take these common myths and excuses one by one.I don’t eat much : Most of the overweight people would say this and are convinced that there is some underlying disease such as thyroid disorder, some medicine intake commonly hormons (even iron tablets) which are responsible. To some extent genetic inheritance and body metabolism are responsible for excessive weight gain. However, God has given us one body and unfortunately we can’t change it whether we like it or not. There is practically no disease or medicine which increases weight. Even if there are some they cause only a marginal increase and again the methods to reduce weight remain same.I avoid Fatty food : When asked most people would say.I put oil in cooking instead of ghee. I avoid rice. I take juices.The fact is almost every food we eat contributes some calories. We have to reduce the total calories and also the type of food from which we get calories. All types of fats (egg, oil, ghee, butter, malai) have the highest calories per gm i.e. 9 cal. So avoiding fats is most important.Some items which we do not consider fatty and are quite commonly consumed are chips, bhujia, biscuits, mathi, namkeen, samosa, tikki, etc. Sweets of all types have very high amount of concentrated calories. Juices and cold drinks also have very concentrated calories and must be avoided. Alcohol and meat are other two very important contributing culprits.I have a very busy work schedule : There fore can’t control my diet and also can’t do any exercise ?
Exactly the opposite reason given by some homemakers of two to four persons household not enough work. Both situations are just the same.A very busy executive, computer engineer, salesperson, teacher, doctor and especially young students, social worker, everybody gets so much in the web of work that care of ones own self is ignored. There is a rat race to achieve targets, goals, marks that there is no time to take care of the body. With this type of lifestyle usually there is excess consumption of junk food and no physical exercise. I have lots of tensions : Yes, anxiety and depression do increase weight in many people. Some persons tend to eat more and reduce their physical activity and gain weight during a rough period. I can only say that there is nobody who does not have problems. All problems are as big as we perceive these. Do not increase in the world your problems by adding on weight as one of the problems.So what is the solution ?Motivation : Consider your body as a slave. Do not pamper it, do not listen to its unreasonable demands and try to work it hard.Confidence : Weight can be reduced. There is no reason why it should not happen. It only needs sustained effort and perseverance.Sustained effort : Weight gain occurs over a time and it will be lost over a time. Half Kg. per week or 2-3 Kg. per month is a good rate of loss. But this rate usually means a sustained effort for 5–6 months for most moderately obese people.Find your bottleneck in diet : Excess tea, excess juices, excess snacks, excess social events, free food etc. and cut on that.Reduce total calorie intake : To reduce weight a cut in diet to nearly half of current diet is required to make any significant effect.Small frequent meals : Do not skip meals and especially not the breakfast. Divide total food intake into 3-4 small meals.Water: Take lot of water, 20-30 glasses of water per day.Green salad : Take a lot of green salad such as cucumber, carrots, radish, cabbage etc. You have to eat in kilos and not small pieces to do that. Usual response Yak! Salad is not tasty. You can either have tasty food or health.Forget about taste: You can either have tasty food or health.Fonh out your weakness or cut those. Most often these items are eaten in excess as well as these are likely to be calorie rich. Develop a taste for healthy food.Exercise : You must be surprised that I have kept exercise at the last. I am a myself diehard gym goer. Exercise is a very important component for fitness and activity. But for exercise to be able to reduce weight it has be moderately intense e.g. (gym) or 30-40 minutes of brisk walking. It has to be sustained i.e. at least 5 days a week. The increase in hunger due to exercise has to be controlled. No amount of exercise can reduce weight without appropriate diet control. Rather weight will increase further due to increased appetite. In weight loss, 80% role is of diet control and 20% of exercise.Calculate: Calculate your calorie intake. Know your calorie value of common cooked food. A rough ideaAny fried item(Sweet or Salty): Multiply weight by 6-7 calorie e.g. Samosa 100-150 grams x 6-7 calorie = 600-1000 calorie which is equal to one complete meal.Normal cooked item: Multiply the weight of item by 3-4 calorie e.g. one roti, 30gram x 4=120gram.Common Cold drinks: 50-200 cal/100 ml.Calorie requirement:Calculate your calorie requirements also. You require roughly 1cal/min for your basic requirements. Add 1cal/min for normal activity time such as household activity 3-5cal/min, for very active exercise such as running or gym. To loose 1kg/week weight you need to have a daily deficity of 500 calorie or more.Finally a word about machines and weight loss medicines. Obesity is a life style disease. It is not a short term problem. A quick fix will not help, A change in lifestyle, regular habit of exercise and a permanent modification is diet only keep you fit.To conclude, I would say that there is no reason big enough to spoil your health, there is nobody who can’t reduce weight if they try hard.